Toyota Corolla (E120): Audio system

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Deleting call histories
Select “Delete Call History” using . ● Deleting outgoing call history 1 Select “Outgoing Calls” using . 2 Select the desired phone number using and press (YES). To delete all outgoing call history data, press (ALL) and then press (YES). ● Deleting incoming call histo ...

Safety Connect
*: If equipped Safety Connect is a subscription- based telematics service that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) data and embedded cellular technology to provide safety and security features to subscribers. Safety Connect is supported by Toyota's designated response center, which operates 24 hour ...

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Replacement Hint: components: 1. Inspect lower ball joint assy front lh Jack up front side of the vehicle.  check the rattle of the lower ball joint assy front lh. 2. Remove front wheel 3. Remove front axle hub lh nut sst 09930–00010 4. Disconnect speed sensor front lh (w/ ...