Toyota Corolla (E120): Park/neutral position switch assy (atm)

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Inspection procedure
1 Check side squib(lh) circuit(airbag sensor assy center – front seat airbag assy lh) Disconnect the negative (–) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at least for 90 seconds.  disconnect the connectors between the airbag sensor assy center and the front seat airbag assy ...

The ambient temperature does not display
Wiring diagram Inspection procedure 1 Inspect outer ambient temperature sensor Remove cooler (ambient temp. Sensor) thermistor.  measure resistance between terminals 1 and 2 of cooler (ambient temp. Sensor) thermistor connector at each temperature. Resistance: at 0 c (0 f) ...

Circuit description
The ignition switch provides circuit power and the ecm provides the circuit ground that illuminates the mil. Mil operation is checked visually: it should be illuminated when the ignition is first turned on. If the mil is off all of the time or on all of the time, use the procedure below to ...