Toyota Corolla (E140) 2007–2013 Body Repair Manual / Introduction
Toyota Corolla (E140): Introduction
Other materials:
Capacity and distribution
Cargo capacity depends on the total weight of the occupants.
(Cargo capacity) = (Total load capacity) — (Total weight of occupants)
Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit —
(1) Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never
exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.” on ...
Listing the registered portable players
Select “List Audio” using .
The list of registered portable players will be displayed.
● Connecting the registered portable player to the audio system
1 Select the name of the portable player to be connected using
2 Select “Select” using .
● Deleting the registered ...
Definition of terms
Monitor description
Description of what the ecm monitors and how it detects malfunctions
(monitoring purpose and its details).
Related dtcs
Diagnostic code
Typical enabling condition
Preconditions that allow the ecm to detect ...