Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Diagnostics / ABS with EBD system / Pump motor is locked/open circuit
in pump motor ground
Toyota Corolla (E120): Pump motor is locked/open circuit in pump motor ground
Dtc c1251/51 pump motor is locked/open circuit in pump motor ground
Other materials:
Positioning a floor jack
When using a floor jack, follow
the instructions in the
manual provided with the
jack and perform the operation
When raising your vehicle
with a floor jack, position
the jack correctly. Improper
placement may damage
your vehicle or cause injury.
Location of the jack point
■ Front
■ Rea ...
Inspection procedure
1 Check operation(stop lamp swtich assy)
Check that the stop light comes on when the brake pedal is depressed,
and turns off when the brake
pedal is released.
2 Input signal check
See input signal check on page 05–745.
check the indicator light when the brake pedal ...
Hint: components:
1. Precaution
2. Disconnect battery negative terminal
3. Remove horn button assy
Place the front wheels facing straight ahead.
using a torx socket wrench (t30), loosen the 2 torx
screws until the groove along the screw circumference
catches on the screw ca ...