Toyota Corolla (E120): Components


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    Setup menu
    You can adjust the multimedia system to your desired settings. Display “Setup” screen Press the “SETUP” button to display the “Setup” screen. 1 Select to adjust the settings for operation sounds, screen animation, etc. 2 Select to set the voice settings. 3 Select to adjust the s ...

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    Replacement Hint: replace the rh side by the same procedure as the lh side. 1. Remove front wheel 2. Remove front fender liner lh 3. Remove speed sensor front lh Disconnect the speed sensor wire harness clamp from the body.  disconnect the speed sensor connector. Remo ...

    Correct driving posture
    1 Adjust the angle of the seatback so that you are sitting straight up and so that you do not have to lean forward to steer. 2 Adjust the seat so that you can depress the pedals fully and so that your arms bend slightly at the elbow when gripping the steering wheel. 3 Lock the head restraint ...