Toyota Corolla (E170): Bluetooth® Phone

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How to proceed with troubleshooting
Hint: carry out troubleshooting in accordance with the procedures on the following page. Here, only the basic procedures are shown. Details are provided in the diagnostics section, showing the most effective methods for each circuit. Confirm the troubleshooting procedures first for the releva ...

Bluetooth® phone message function
Received messages can be forwarded from the connected Bluetooth® phone, enabling checking and replying using the multimedia system. Depending on the type of Bluetooth® phone connected, received messages may not be transferred to the message inbox. If the phone does not support the message fu ...

Hint: overhaul the rh side by the same procedure as the lh side. 1. Remove front wheel 2. Drain brake fluid Notice: wash the brake fluid off immediately if it comes into contact with any painted surface. 3. Remove front disc brake cylinder sub–assy Remove the union bolt and gasket ...