Toyota Corolla (E210) 2019-2025 Owners Manual / Vehicle status information and indicators / Gauges and meters (7-inch display)
Toyota Corolla (E210): Gauges and meters (7-inch display)
Other materials:
since the centering bolt is used as a hood hinge and hood lock
set bolt, the hood and hood lock can not be adjusted with it on.
Substitute a bolt with washer for the centering bolt.
1. Inspect hood sub–assy
Check that the clearance is within the standard value.
How to proceed with troubleshooting
Troubleshoot in accordance with the procedure on the following pages.
1 Vehicle brought to workshop
2 Customer problem analysis check and symptom check
Without applicable symptoms, proceed to ”a”.
with applicable symptoms, proceed to ”b”.
3 Symptom simulation
4 Prob ...
Capacity and distribution
Cargo capacity depends on the total weight of the occupants.
(Cargo capacity) = (Total load capacity) — (Total weight of occupants)
Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit —
(1) Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never
exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.” on ...