Toyota Corolla (E170) 2014–2019 Owners Manual / Interior features / Connecting Bluetooth® (Multimedia system) / Detailed Bluetooth® system settings / Editing the Bluetooth* PIN
Toyota Corolla (E170): Editing the Bluetooth* PIN
You can change the PIN-code that is used to register your Bluetooth® devices in the system.
1 Select “Bluetooth* PIN”.
2 Input a PIN-code, and select “OK”.
*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Other materials:
Circuit description
The crankshaft position sensor (ne signal) consists of a magnet, iron core
and pickup coil.
The ne signal plate (crankshaft position sensor plate) has 34 teeth and is
installed on the crankshaft. The
ne signal sensor generates 34 signals for each engine revolution. This sensor
monitors a p ...
Recomended tools
Driving assist systems
To help enhance driving safety and performance, the following systems operate
automatically in response to various driving situations. Be aware, however, that
these systems are supplementary and should not be relied upon too heavily when operating
the vehicle.
◆ ABS (Anti-lock Brake Sys ...