Toyota Corolla (E170) 2014–2019 Owners Manual / Instrument cluster / Eco Driving Indicator (except vehicles with a manual transmission)
Toyota Corolla (E170): Eco Driving Indicator (except vehicles with a manual transmission)
Other materials:
Symptom simulation
the most difficult case in troubleshooting is when no symptoms occurs. In such
cases, a thorough customer
problem analysis must be carried out. Then the same or similar conditions and
environment in which the
problem occurred in the customer’s vehicle should be simulated. No matter ho ...
Inspection procedure
read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan tool.
Freeze frame data records the
engine conditions when a malfunction is detected. When troubleshooting, it is
useful for determining whether
the vehicle was running or stopped, the engine was warmed up or not, the ...
1. Pre–check
Check that the cruise control actuator assy, acceleration wire,
accelerator auto drive cable assy, and
link assy are installed correctly and that the wire and link are securely
check that the operating movement of the acceleration pedal, cruise
control actu ...