Toyota Corolla (E120): Front axle hub sub–assy lh

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Diagnostic trouble code chart
If a dtc is displayed during the dtc check, check the circuit listed in the table below and proceed to the page given. * :● ... Mil light up ...

On–vehicle inspection
1. Inspect pressure switch no.1. Magnetic clutch control: inspect pressure switch operation.  Set on the manifold gauge set.  Connect the positive (+) lead from the ohmmeter to terminal 4 and the negative (–) lead to terminal 1.  Check continuity between termin ...

Problem symptoms table
If a normal code is displayed during the dtc check but the problem still occurs, check the circuits for each problem symptom in the order given in the table below and proceed to the relevant troubleshooting page. Notice: when replacing skid control ecu, sensor or etc., Turn the ignition swi ...